Helping you find the best books to read

Lewolkien 2022

February 17, 2022

Lewolkien 2022

Join Castle Ministries in historic Rugby, TN  once again for encouragement, fellowship, and an opportunity to celebrate the good, the true, and the beautiful in literature. The Lewolkien conference is a small, intimate gathering of book lovers and thinkers to herald the written word. Gather as we discuss books and unite over our admiration of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and authors like them.

For the third time, the conference will be held in Rugby TN, a little town rich in literary history. We hope this could be a launching point for you to discover and celebrate God’s hand at work through the written word, and to pick up your next “great read” and beyond. JOIN US for an energetic time of thinking, sharing, and exploring great literature.

Dates: March 25-26th

Rugby Library

Special Notice

This year we’ll be discussing a specific work of Tolkien in one of the sessions, The Silmarillion. Reading it before you come to the conference is not required, but is highly encouraged! This will be the time to get your questions answered and discuss this, one of Tolkien’s more polarizing and yet deeply rich books. 


Time Name Speaker
March 25    
7:00 pm Meet and Greet at Hester Hall  
March 26    
9:00 am Introduction Jacob Stock
9:20 am Come for the Story, Stay for the Truth DJ Edwardson
10:10 am Lord of the Rings Quiz Game  
10:30 am Dorothy Sayers and The Lost Tools of Learning Jeff Townsend
11:00 am Break & Bookstore Open  
11:20 am Lewis: the Approachable Apologist Brendan Dunn
12:30 pm Lunch at RM Brooks  
1:30 pm Library Tour  
4:00 pm Discovering The Silmarillion DJ Edwardson
4:45 pm Q&A Panel
6:00 pm Closing Prayer/Liturgy  

A night of games/fellowship will follow for those wishing to stay a second night.

Featured Speakers

Brendan Dunn

Brendan Dunn

is, first and foremost, a husband and father. He lives with his wife, Sarah, and baby boy, Caleb, in Jefferson City, TN. There they serve together in their local church’s college ministry, as they work to complete Master’s degrees in Applied Theology at Carson-Newman University. By day, Brendan works as a Product Manager in HR Technology for Clayton Homes, but by night, he scribbles essays, stories, and other musings of dubious quality.

Author DJ Edwardson

DJ Edwardson

is the author of several fictional novels and shorter works, such as Truesilver, The Last Motley and The Ascent of the Nebula, which was nominated for a Grace Award. He has a passion for seeing God glorified in the arts, especially literature. You can find out more about his work at

Jacob Stock

Jacob Stock

Director of Castle Ministries and MC of this event.  His resume includes 20 years of teaching and administration in elementary/middle school.  He is the father of four and a self proclaimed expert in children’s literature.

Jeff Townsend

Jeff Townsend

is a proud homeschool father of five. He directs Classical Conversations Challenge III at the Tuesday Bearden community. He has served on the board of Smoky Mountain Home Educators Association, and is a founding board member and officer for Cumberland Christian Academy, a non-traditonal / non-public accredited umbrella school. He is an elder at Fellowship Church. He also is Vice President of Member Services for HealthCare 21 Business Coalition.


$20 student

$40 per person

$70 per couple

Register today!


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