With only his imprisoned father's promise that they will be reunited after the war, Rudi must learn how to survive in hiding, how to be truly brave, and how to overcome the hatred of his enemies. He must learn to die to himself and to trust the God.
An orphaned boy and a kidnapped horse gallop for Narnia...and freedom. The Horse and His Boy is a wonderful, often surprising, and always engaging adventure.
The Prince of Narnia has gone missing and it's up to Jill, Eustace, and a curious Marshwiggle named Puddleglum to find him.
The adventures of Edmund, Lucy, and the insupportable (but later quite wonderful) Eustace, their cousin, as they are once again drawn into Narnia.
Read on for all that was of the flaming comet streaking through our literary skies known as Lewolkien 2019.
Six great reads for your 6th grader is my second attempt at the all-elusive list-making. I do not mean to say these are the greatest books of all time, just that they are standouts and might give you some ideas. Parents are entrusted with the great task of putting good words into the hands of their budding adults; I for one have found it difficult to find safe booklists I can trust. How do you decide what to allow your child to re...
Anne of Green Gables is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery (published as L. M. Montgomery). Written for all ages, it has been considered a classic children's novel since the mid-twentieth century. Set in the late 19th century, the novel recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl, who was mistakenly sent to two middle-aged siblings; Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, originally intending to adopt...
Five great reads for your 5th grader! This is a short stab at trying to pass on the all-elusive skill of list-making from one Father/Educator to the next. Every parent has a 5th grader at some point, and all the ones that I know are expecting their children to read something. How will you decide what to allow your child to read? Do you simply sit in the car and let them run in to the local bookstore? Do you trust Amazon’s t...
Caspian is a treat. It is a window into a bygone era, not only in time, but into the human psyche. The fact that many of us do not, like Caspian, long for the "Old Narnia" is a genuine tragedy. For the river of heroism and nobility which in our day is but a trickle, still gushes strong and clean and pure from the source.
If these men had not had each other to push them and make them better, our most cherished books would either not exist or would be much poorer works that what we now enjoy.